Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Feather Memories!

Here is my new feather earring collection made with feathers and seeds I gathered in Central America.

Seeds from Corn Islands, Granada and feathers from the parrot and rooster from the farm in Bluefields.

 Seeds from Granada, feathers from rooster at the farm in Bluefields.  Those thin feathers I added; I beleive they are peacock.
 Guinea fowl feathers from Corn Islands, seeds from Granada and farm in Belize, parrot and chicken feathers from farm in Bluefields.
 Seeds from Honduras, feathers from chickens at farm in Bluefields.
Feathers from parrots in Bluefields and Roatan and Guinea fowl on Corn Islands, seeds from farm in Belize.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

These Days

Take Over!  Sometimes I just have to take over my favorite stuff for myself.  Like these butterflies!

Sugar and Cream cotton yarn.

Friday, May 27, 2011

White Coral

I have always loved white coral.  I found this on Little Corn Island and made myself this necklace.  The red necklace people often mistake for red coral but it is plastic.  White and red are my favorite power colors.  And I can't believe how often unicorns are showing up lately! 

Nice ladies I met in Pearl Lagoon.  White coral earrings and she got the big pink flower!  Salamander hat!  Give Thanks.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Nica Family

Here is the family I stayed with at a farm outside Bluefields, Nicaragua.  Samuel, Mirtha and Mariza with the oil pastel on wood board I did of their beloved pet parrot, Lucy.

Lucy and I in the garden

I love what Mariza did with the toys.  They couldn't believe these were things I found on the beach as refuse.

I really never met such loving, good, hardworking children.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beaded Beauties

The Ever-Evolving Rack

My Butterflies

Don't know where these came from...the depths of my consciousness.

Sweet Lilac Fades

Sweet Reds with green and purple

A friend thought of Clown Fish when she saw these.  A Dutch girl liked them because she said they were her country's color- orange.

Final Days in Granada, Nicaragua Hats

Rasta Fantasia: made with Mexican sparkly yarn and Honduran florecent yellow; dangly baby flower.

Golden Orange Fire Hat- Yarn from Honduras

Turquoise Patch Beanie and Granny Square Headband- yarn from Honduras

Three StripeSporty

Lilac Fader Pixie- yarn from Danli, Honduras

Headbands- some with Mexican sparkly yarn

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Artesano Friends, Little Corn Island

This is Jitka, from the Czech Republic, modeling a headband I made.  It has a huge hot-pink flower on it.  I picked up this style of flower on Big Corn Island from a woman who was even crazier about crochette than me!!  Her name was Gaynelle and I never have seen a house so completely cozied out in crochette.

This is Esmeralda, from Greece.

These are Esmeralda´s amazing bracelets

My dearest friends, Laetitia, of France, and Felipe, of Spain.  I miss them so much!