Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Feather Earrings: Round 3?

 Here is what a day home sick with a cold can produce!! These were such a joy to make.  I think I had to get extra creative because I am down to my last few materials

 These ones I love; they are so unique.  Coconut from Brazil, golden chain, red seeds from Honduras.

 Love this one so much!! It is like full moon and cresent moon.  Dynamic!  Not sure but I think the feather is from a hawk.
 Single earring.  I found the feathers in peculiar ways.  Small peacock feather found on my doorstep.  Large found inside my tent at Reggae on the River. 

This one is definately my favorite; it was so spontaneous.  I would keep it but I have too many earrings already!

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