Friday, November 30, 2012

Mountain Hat

 This hat is made with ribbon that I got in Cusco, Peru.  It is neon green\yellow with gold embroidery.  The hat is made with cream colored yarn.  There are tassels on the earflaps and at the top and also puff balls all around in two rows.  The ribbon is woven in and out.  It was inspired by all the beautiful indian hats in Peru.

Ras Beaded Earrings

Four of these pairs of earrings all have red, green and gold.  The two on the bottom are opposites of each other.  they are made with a green I call the Julienne Green; it is a vintage olive color.  The central pair at the top is grey with green and white.  The other two, top right and top left, are the same except one has black details and the other gold.  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Another Pinky

Hot pink yarn synched-up with royal blue and gold sparkly yarn from Mexico.  Ribbed band at the bottom.  Funky tweed effect.  

Remy's Cable Hats

 Here are two nice cable beanies that a long-time customer ordered recently. Below is his cute dog modeling another cable hat in aqua. 
Below is a very sweet dog garment\coat\costume.  I did not make that; it was a photo I came across and wanted to share.  Little Lamb!  It is funny sometimes the expressions that the dogs have in these pictures!  Sorta startled or maybe annoyed.  Or just patient.  Hahaha!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Puff Paint

Did you ever play with puff paint as a child7  I did.  This art has become popular again in some circles lately.  When Jamuna's sister Suna was visiting recently, we bought some paint and decorated lighters, sunglasses, and pouches, among other things.  Her lighter is on the far left.  The one on the right has an Ital Hemp Wick, a smoking product that I promoted this summer at the festivals.